Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand having done all, to STAND “ Ephs 6:13
Greetings in the name of Our Lord and Saviour Welcome to RCCG THRONE ROOM online! Thank you for visiting our site and for taking a moment to allow me to share my heart with you. I am so excited to welcome you to the ThroneRoom. The Throne Room has a vision to create an atmosphere of true worship; that would bring down the Glory of God in the midst of His people. Our mission is to prepare families and individuals for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The commandment that Jesus gave in Mathew 22:36-40 of loving our neighbours as ourselves is in our every effort to reach neighbours in our immediate community and around the world. Throughout history God has chosen and delighted in a people who simply believe He is and believe He will do what He says He will do. At the Throne Room we are such a people. I get the honour and privilege to serve with great people on a great team here at the Throne Room, and in the time we’ve been a part of this vision, we’ve seen God do truly amazing things. Our church is growing rapidly, life change is happening every week. Here at the Throne Room, we’re all about INTENSE WORSHIP…and we want to invite YOU to be a part of it! I’m committed to helping you and your family grow together, grow in your relationship with God, and reach your FULL potential in Him! My heart for you is that at the Throne Room you will be able to experience and celebrate NEW LIFE in Christ, to find NEW GROWTH in your relationship with God and others, and to discover a NEW PLACE where you can connect to God’s purpose for your life! I want to personally invite you to be our guest at the Throne Room as well as our various care centres and experience for yourself a truly Spirit filled, Mission minded, Grace centred, Life-giving, people loving church! Thanks again for the opportunity to share with you. I hope to meet you soon!